Zero Hunger - SDG 02 (Nov 2024)
Advanced Technologies in Agriculture for Food Security, 11 Nov
Monday, 11.11.2024 at 15:30 – 16:30 IST / 17:00 – 18:00 WIB
– Dr Manasi Mishra, Associate Professor, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT-World Peace University, Pune, India
– Dr Vina Eka Aristya, Researcher, National Research and Innovation, Agency (BRIN), Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
– Dr Quynh Mai Le, Lecturer, University of Science, Vietnam, National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
– Mr Parshuram Rimal, MEL Manager, USAID Agriculture Higher, Education Component, Nepal
Sustainable Agriculture: Focus on Water Management and Materials for Packaging, 12 Nov
Tuesday, 12.11.2024 at 15:30 – 16:30 IST / 17:00 – 18:00 WIB
– Dr Hemendra Kumar, Affiliate Faculty, University of Maryland College, Park, Maryland, USA
– Ms Ananda Putri Permatasari, Water Security Specialist, World Resources Institute (WRI), Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
– Dr Bidhari Pidhatika, Senior Researcher, National Research and Innovation, Agency (BRIN), Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
– Dr Jegan Sekar, Scientist, M. S. Swaminathan Research, Foundation in Chennai, India
Register (for both or either of the talks)
Sustainable Cities & Communities - SDG 11 (June 2024)
Planning and Sustainable Traffic for Resilient Cities
Tuesday, 11.06.2024 at 15:30 – 16:30 IST / 17:00 – 18:00 WIB
- Nikita Ranjan, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India
- Sukma Larastiti, Research Fellow, University of Kassel, Hessen, Germany
- Vinu Kamalasanan, PhD Scholar, Leibniz University Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
- Chandra Bahadur Shrestha, Team Leader, Local Infrastructure Project, World Food Program, Nepal
Waste and Flood Management for Sustainable Cities
Wednesday, 12.06.2024 at 15:30 – 16:30 IST / 17:00 – 18:00 WIB
- Vivek Jaisree Mohandas, Technical Expert, GIZ – Thiruvananthapuram, India
- Shirleyana, Lecturer, Widya Kartika University, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Ocasa Preditha, Advisor, GIZ – Jakarta, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Iwan Rudiarto, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Call for Proposals
The special web talk series ‘Alumni for SDG’ showcases important and relevant topics of the Sustainable Development Goals. It is brought to you by DAAD and AvH alumni from the South Asia region (India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) as well as from Southeast Asia region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Timor Leste) and Vietnam. The alumni groups annetworks from these regions will present their research work in select SDGs to share it with a wider audience through good practice examples.
The DAAD Regional Offices in New Delhi and Jakarta are pleased to jointly invite you to participate in the upcoming International Web Talk Series on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – 2024.
This year’s web talk series will address the following SDGs:
- SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) – Sustainable Agriculture for Food Security
- SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) – Sustainable Urban Development
Who can submit proposals:
Former scholarship holders of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) from South Asia region (India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) as well as from Southeast Asia region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Timor Leste) including Vietnam can apply by submitting the entry.
The Alumni for SDG series aims to facilitate:
- popular science amongst the network and beyond in an interdisciplinary approach
- exchange of ideas and initiate a dialogue in a particular SDG field
- strengthening of the network of subject-specific alumni groups in South Asia and Southeast Asia regions
Alumni For SDG – Call For Papers/Presentations 2024
To participate with your entry submission, please take the following survey by clicking on the link:
Application Deadline: 30 March 2024
Format and Dates
This event will consist of two web talks (SDG 2 & SDG 11) in 2024 – each SDG web talk has two/three days dedicated to it (depending on the number of entries). The web talks are scheduled to take place on the following dates:
- Web Talk on SDG 11: 11 – 12 June 2024
- Web Talk on SDG 2: 11 – 12 November 2024
Talks in 2023, 2022, 2021
Life Below Water SDG 14 (2023)
Mitigating Marine Pollution and Enhancing Aquatic Modelling for Sustainability
06.12.2023 I 15:30 – 16:30 IST I 17:00 – 18:00 WIB
- Dr. Dwiyitno, Senior Researcher, Research Center for Food Technology and Processing, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta, Indonesia
- Salil Raj Aryal, Graduate Assistant, University of South Alabama, Mobile, United States of America
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Ario Damar, Professor, Department of MSP-FPIK, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Bogor, Indonesia
- Dr.rer.nat. AB Susanto, Professor, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Good Health & Well-Being - SDG 03 (2023)
Universal Health Coverage, International Healthcare Cooperation and Social Infrastructure
22.08.2023 | 14:30 – 15:30 IST
- Dr. Lokesh Sharma, Scientist, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi, India
- Dr. rer. nat. Senjarini Kartika, Senior Lecturer, University of Jember, Jember Regency, Indonesia
- Sobhagya Mittal, Research Scholar, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India
- Asfri Rangkuti, ASEAN Coordinator, Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok, Thailand
- Prof. Samik Chowdhury, Associate Professor, School of Global Affairs, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi, India
Biodiversity, Crop Protection and Nutrition for Human Health
23.08.2023 | 14:30 – 15:30 IST
- Dr. Ashutosh Pandey, Scientist, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi, India
- Dr. Manasi Mishra, Associate Professor, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT-World Peace University, Pune, India
- Prof. Hari Datta Bhattarai, Professor, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Dr. Ir. Arinafril, Sriwijaya University, Researcher, Faculty of Agriculture, Palembang, Indonesia
Physical, Psychological and Social Dimensions of Health and Well-Being
24.08.2023 | 14:30 – 15:30 IST
- Dr. Archana Raghavan Sathyan, Assistant Professor, Kerala Agricultural University, India
- Dr. Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto, Assistant Professor, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta
- Dr. Rotumba Arachchige Ishanka Chathurani, Senior Lecturer, University of Kelaniya, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Dr. Rhondemo A. Kikon, Founder & Manager (NGO), Community Health Initiative, Nagaland, India
Affordable & Clean Energy - SDG 07 (2023)
Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation
28.06.2023 I 16:00 – 17:00 IST
- Prof. Dr. Prakash C. Tiwari, Senior Fellow of ICSSR, New Delhi & Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography, Kumaun University, Nainital, India
- Abhishek Rathi, Chief Manager, Power Grid Corporation of India Limited, Gurugram, India
- Dr. Syukri Muhammad Nur, Lecturer of Renewable Energy, Universitas Darma Persada, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Dr. Sunil Prasad Lohani, Associate Professor of Renewable Energy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Green Energy Transitions for Sustainability and Technology Development
29.06.2023 I 16:00 – 17:00 IST
- Prof. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India
- Dr. Malay Das, Assistant Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata, India
- Prof. Dr. Abdus Samad, Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
- Dr. Khulud Alsouleman, IGCS-Postdoc Energy and Visiting Faculty at IIT Madras & Institute of Energy Technology, Technical university Berlin, Germany
Responsible Consumption & Production - SDG 12 (2022)
Going Green with Public Procurement, Textiles and Agriculture (2022)
- Dr. Abu Sadat Muhammad Sayem, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, England, a Fellow and Council Member of the Textile institute, UK
- Dr. Jaideep Kumar Singh, Subject Matter Specialist, ICAR-KVK-Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh
- Moderator: Dr. Hari Kumar Suberi, National freelance consultant in Bhutan focused mainly in areas of energy, environment, and society
Sustainable Systems in Food Security: A Regional and Global Overview (2022)
- Prof. Suseelendra Desai, Dean, School of Agricultural Sciences, NMIMS University, Shirpur, Maharashtra
- Prof. Khan Md. Shaiful Islam, Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Moderator: Dr. Archana Raghavan Sathyan, Asst. Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension, Kerala Agricultural University
Sustainable Polymer Production (2022)
- Dr. K I Suresh, CSIR National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Thiruvananthapuram
- Dr. Sayam Sen Gupta, IISER Kolkata
Sustainable Practices in Agricultural Production (2022)
- Dr. Moumita Gangopadhyay, Adamas University Kolkata
- Anas Shaikh, IIT Kharagpur
Gender Equality - SDG 05 (2021)
Gender Gap and Gender Equality in Education, Employment, University, Academia, and the Digital Space (2021)
- Prof. Jyoti Devkota, Kathmandu University
- Dr. Ishanka Karunarathne, University of Kelaniya
- Arnab Mandal, TATA Trusts
Clean Water & Sanitation - SDG 06 (2021)
Thinking Water Efficiency and Security in Indian Urban Areas (2021)
- Dr. Shivraj Dhaka, Confederation of Indian Industry
- Dr. Subham Mukherjee, Frei Universität Berlin & The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Dr. Daniel Rosado, Indo-German Centre for Sustainability & University of Kiel
Clean Water and Sanitation Focusing on Agriculture (2021)
- Dr. Rinku Verma, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
- Mr. Joel Fernandes, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne
- Prof. Dr Sannasiraj, IIT Madras
Sustainable Cities & Communities - SDG 11 (2021)
Sustainability Transitions in Cities: Green Infrastructure, Mobility and Resilience (2021)
- Dr. Md. Manjur Morshed, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology
- Sana Javaid, Technical University of Munich
- Dr. Hari Kumar Suberi, HBK Braunschweig Institute for Transformation Design
- Dr. Gabriela Garcés Sánchez, Indo-German Centre for Sustainability & University of Stuttgart
Towards a Sustainable and Secure Future Power Grid (2021)
- Dr. Guru Praanesh Raman, Singapore-ETH Centre
- Dr. Guru Raghav Raman, Singapore-ETH Centre
- Dr. Uwe Kaltenborn, HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH
SDG Monitoring & Reporting
Generating, Reporting and Sharing Data on SDGs in the German and South-Asian Context (2021)
- Dr. Falk Schmidt, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
- Dr. Mariam Akhter, Ministry of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Bangladesh